
AYY proposes Tomas Kurenniemi as the Vice President of the Finnish Student Sports Federation OLL

AYY proposes Tomas Kurenniemi as the Vice President of the Finnish Student Sports Federation OLL for the year 2024.
Press release
A man sitting on the sofa wearing a black suit and smiling for the camera.

Don't settle for grumbling, apply to RepCo!

The nomination of candidates of this fall's Representative Council election is open until 2 October 4 p.m.
Apply to RepCo!

Apply as a volunteer

This is your chance to participate in making the best student life in the world.
Kampsujaosto ja ilmapallot

AYY nominates Totti Korpua as a candidate of SYL's board in 2024

Aalto University Student Union nominates Totti Korpua to the board of the National Union of University Students in Finland. The board will be elected at the federal meeting on 17-18 November 2023 in Tampere.
Mies hymyilee värikkäässä paidassa

We demand decision-makers to show backbone and eradicate racism

Student unions AYY, HYY, ISYY, JYY, SHS, TYY, TREY, VYY, ÅAS, OYY, LTKY and ArtSU are dismayed at the state of the ongoing racism debate in society and demand concrete measures to eradicate racism. Racist statements made by people in high places have shown what is wrong with racism debate: people targeted by racism are not listened to, racist comments are diminished or taken as a joke, and the debate gets sidetracked. We need anti-racist actions, understanding and solidarity.
Ajankohtaista, Kannanotot ja lausunnot
"We demand decision-makers to show backbone and eradicate racism"

Happy new academic year

Aalto University Student Union's Chair of the Board Ida Parkkinen held a ceremonial speech at Aalto Day One 5.9.2023.
Ajankohtaista, Blog
Ida Parkkinen

Apply to SYL’s General Assembly Delegation or to candidacy for the SYL Board!

The National Union of University Students in Finland SYL represents university students in national decision-making. The plan of work and policy paper guiding SYL’s advocacy work will be approved at the General Assembly, where the Board of the Union will also be elected. The 2022 General Assembly will be held on 17ꟷ18 Nov 2023 at Tampere.
People in a meeting looking at the camera, smiling.

AYY will discontinue associations website services

AYY to discontinue associations' website services by the end of 2023

How to be a good ally to the LGBTQ+ community

In this blog post, Aalto University’s LGBTQ+ association GAYY delves into the essence of Pride, explores the role of being a good ally, and sheds light on the current progress for LGBTQ+ rights in Finland and the world.
Ajankohtaista, Blog
People sitting in front of a bar named The Stonewall Inn, decorated with rainbows

Student register discriminates gender minorities – we demand actions from universities

Pride month won’t go unnoticed: universities wave rainbow flags and say beautiful words about supporting LGBTQIA+ minorities. But how is the reality – how does for example supporting gender minorities come true at the moment?
Ajankohtaista, Kannanotot ja lausunnot
AYY x SHS x ÅAS x HYY x SYL x OYY x LYY: Student register discriminates gender minorities - we demand actions from universities

Finland not committed to students at all – good and bad of the Government Programme

We went through the Government Programme “A strong and committed Finland”. Students will be in for a rough ride in many sectors, but the programme also includes a few positive proposals.

AYY to oblige residents to take out home insurance

To protect the interests of residents, AYY will oblige its residents to take out home insurance in the future. A requirement for home insurance will be included in the new leases starting in the autumn.
Woman's hands holding a book in her lap.
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