AYY nominates Totti Korpua as a candidate of SYL's board in 2024

Aalto University Student Union nominates Totti Korpua to the board of the National Union of University Students in Finland. The board will be elected at the federal meeting on 17-18 November 2023 in Tampere.
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Aalto University Student Union nominates Totti Korpua as a member of the board of the National Union of University Students in Finland. Totti Korpua, 25, is a master's student in Art Education at Aalto University of Arts and Design. In the past year, they have served as a member of the board of the Aalto University Student Union and areas of responsibility being education policy, elections and well-being. Korpua has extensive experience in various positions of trust in the Aalto community. In their free time, Totti enjoys going to concerts and galleries.

"I am very grateful for the trust I have received. Promoting a better student life is required at every level of society, and I am ready to continue my listening, forward-looking and decisive work at SYL," Korpua commented on their choice.

Korpua reflects on the important goals of the student movement for the upcoming year: "The structures of education must better support the ability to study and the accessibility of education, so that raising the level of education and studying in general can really change Finland. Structures and funding alone are not enough, but the student's livelihood must be sufficient and support the same goals. SYL must take care of the status and participation of international students in the Finnish higher education field and lead by example the entire student movement. In the European Parliament elections, the student movement must be widely heard throughout Europe, and SYL plays a key role in this."

SYL will elect the board for 2024 at its union meeting in Tampere on November 17-18, 2023. SYL represents Finnish university students at the national level and takes a stand on education policy, social policy and international issues.

More information: Totti Korpua, [email protected], tel. 0404824213 
Chair of the Board Ida Parkkinen, [email protected], tel. 0400984545

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