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Aalto University Student Union is the service and advocacy organisation for its approximately 17,000 members. The aim of all student union activities is to enable members to experience the best student life in the world.

Why does the student union exist?

The student union's purpose is to make the students’ voice heard at the university's decision-making. All university students should have a chance to influence matters related to their studies and daily lives. AYY’s goal is to influence both the university and the broader society in a way that enables each Aalto student to experience the best student life in the world.

The student union’s existence is based on the Universities Act. The student union is a separate, self-governing entity, the position of which is defined by legislation.

The Universities Act defines the student union as follows:

The student union liaises with and on behalf of its members and promotes their societal, social and intellectual aspirations and those relating to studies and the status of students in society. The student union also participates in the implementation of the educational mission of the university, referred to in section 2, by preparing students for an active, informed and critical citizenship.

The Universities Act regulates the student union membership and grants student unions the right to collect a membership fee from their members. The Act also stipulates that the student union’s decision-making power is exercised by its Board and Representative Council.

What is the structure of AYY?

Kuva organisaatiorakenteesta

The organisation of Aalto University Student Union is divided into three areas: services, advocacy and community. All three areas are supported by AYY’s real estate and communications sectors.

AYY’s operations are directed by the elected 45-member Representative Council, deciding on AYY’s policies and strategy, as well as the annual plan of action and budget, among other things. In addition, the Representative Council appoints the Student Union Board whose responsibility is to ensure the implementation of the direction set for the operations by the Representative Council. The AYY Board participates in the daily operations of the student union.

Decision making in AYY

Board members


The Student Union’s administrative and executive power is held by the Board that is appointed by the Representative Council and whose term of office is one calendar year.

Edustajisto kokoustaa

Representative Council

The Representative Council represents all members of the student union and holds the highest authority within AYY.



The most significant services of AYY are student housing constructed by the student union. AYY provides housing for more than 3,200 students. The majority of affordable housing is located on the Otaniemi campus.  

In addition, AYY rents out event venues, saunas, meeting and sports facilities at a student-friendly price. These facilities can be used by individuals and student associations. Additionally, AYY provides its associations with IT services, such as mailing lists and server space.

Advocacy efforts of AYY and the entire student movement have also created numerous other services for students. These include, for example, the housing of the Foundation for Student Housing in the Helsinki Region, the services of the Finnish Student Health Service, Kela’s meal subsidy, various discounts on public transport (HSL and VR), as well as Frank and its discounts.

Services for members


The focus of AYY’s advocacy activities is based on policies established by the Representative Council. Based on these policies, the student union strives to create an even better and secure environment for our members to succeed in their studies.

AYY’s advocacy work is directed towards both Aalto University and the City of Espoo. Additionally, the student union has an impact on national decision-making supported by the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL).



Aalto has a wide range of community activities that the student union aims to support and promote.

Every day, student associations in Otaniemi organise several events, and AYY is involved in making them possible. The student union itself organises numerous events each year, the biggest of which is the Aalto Afterparty celebration held annually at the beginning of the academic year. Many events, such as the delivery of the Flower Day message in May, have a history of decades.

AYY aims to promote a vibrant student life through association activities. The student union supports association activities with annual operating grants and offers opportunities for associations to present their activities to the members of the Aalto community in various events.


Poster with a granny looking at a bingo paper. Granny has a facemask and cucumbers on her eyes.

Nursing Home Evening

The Master's Committee of Aava is cheering up the darkening autumn evenings with the Nursing Home Evening! Come relax and recharge! <3
Juhlat, Kulttuuri, Liikunta

Otatarha Grand Prix

Otatarha Grand Prix is back once again! In this traditional competition the teams race against each other with their self-made human powered vehicles in the shelter of the Alvari square.


In addition to the core tasks of financial management, AYY’s finances include AYY's student housing and investment activities.

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Honorary Council

The mission of the Honorary Council is to help the student union to promote the societal, social and intellectual aspirations of its members and their aspirations regarding studying and the status of students in society.

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