New housing rules and regulations for the information of residents, associations and users of rental facilities

The building rules and regulations for Aalto University Student Union properties have been unified. Changes have been made especially regarding quiet hours and storage space in Teekkari Village. In addition to residents, changes will affect the users of rental facilities, as the quiet hours start one hour earlier at 10pm on weekdays and 11pm on weekends. Changes were prepared by the representatives of residents last year.
Talvi-ilta Otaniemessä

Aalto University Student Union has approximately 2,600 apartments in Espoo and Helsinki. There have been different rules and regulations for residents in Teekkari Village in Otaniemi and for residents in other properties. The new rules and regulations that came into force at the end of 2020 have been unified and all AYY residents are now covered by the same regulations.

Behind the reform is the need for clearer and equal rules for all residents. The new rules and regulations were amended already in 2020 at the meetings of the Housing Cooperative  (ASY). The housing cooperative consists of 6−10 castle wardens, the trustees of residents, and 2−3 student union representatives. The purpose of the housing cooperative is to develop AYY’s housing as a whole. 

The most significant reforms concern quiet hours and clarifications on nuisance

The new rules and regulations mention the following about the quiet hours:

“On weekdays from 10pm to 7am and on weekends and public holidays from 11pm to 9am, it is prohibited to make any kind of noise, excluding correctly performed traditions, such as the Teekkari Hymn.”

Thus, the quiet hours start everywhere already at 10pm on weekdays, as before they started in Teekkari Village at 11pm. In the section, there is further clarification regarding nuisance:

“In the case of occasional disturbance which cannot be avoided, the matter must be agreed well in advance with the residents who will be affected by the disturbance. It is prohibited to cause excessive noise or other disturbance at any time of the day.”

We have created a new help page for reporting defects, which has more detailed information on nuisance and a link to the nuisance form. In the reform, it is also essential that the current rules and regulations do not only apply to AYY residents but also to the users of club rooms and rental facilities in the properties. New usage hours of rental facilities will be updated in the facility information on AYY’s website and TILA system by the end of March. Associations have also been instructed of changes in club rooms.

Themes of sustainable housing and data protection regulation have been taken into account

A reference to hazardous waste was added to the hazardous substances section in the former rules:

“Hazardous waste should be delivered to appropriate locations in accordance with recycling instructions. The storage of flammable liquids and gases in storage and basement facilities is strictly prohibited.”

General information on waste management and recycling can be found on our website, where you can find tips and a recycling map. The instructions for storage space have also been updated to comply with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as it is no longer necessary to enter your name and address for the storage space:

  • Residents must mark their storage space in a manner approved by AYY, i.e. with a note saying, “this storage unit is used by a resident in 2021 (the year in question).” AYY has the right to remove goods left in the corridors of the storage facilities, and to empty unmarked storage space.
  • In apartment-specific storage units, residents may only use a unit corresponding to one’s apartment number - other storage units are reserved through AYY. With storage-related queries, please contact us through this form.

Unchanged but sometimes forgotten sections in the housing rules and regulations

Section 5 will continue to remind residents of their obligation to take care of the facilities and report any defects: 

“Residents and users of the facilities are obliged to immediately notify AYY and/or the maintenance company of any defects and deficiencies they notice or cause in the apartments, common areas and elsewhere in the property. It is important for AYY to be informed without delay of defects and deficiencies concerning apartments, common areas of apartments, other areas in the property and yard areas.”

You can check the maintenance page to see who is responsible for a detected defect or deficiency. In this way, you can report the matter directly to the right section and the problem can be fixed more quickly. 

Please also remember that

  • Apartments may not be renovated, and no structural changes may be made without the permission of AYY’s real estate sector.
  • Due to fire safety reasons, no items, such as door mats, prams, bicycles, etc. may be stored in stairways and passages.
  • Front doors of the buildings, doors of rental facilities and the doors leading from apartments to the staircase must be kept locked. For safety reasons, residents and users of the facilities must ensure that the doors remain locked.
  • Dusting carpets and airing out bedding is only allowed in the places reserved for this purpose. Dusting is allowed outside the quiet hours. Residents must not ventilate apartments by opening the door to the stairwell.
  • Grilling on balconies with other than electric grills is prohibited for fire safety reasons.
  • Smoking is prohibited indoors including apartments, residents’ common areas, rental facilities, association facilities and stairwells. When smoking on the balcony or outdoors, smokers must ensure that no odour or smoke spreads to public areas or apartments.

The new rules and regulations have entered into force at the housing cooperative meeting on 30.11.2020. Read the new rules and regulations in their entirety via the link below:

Housing regulations and strategy

Information on the latest rules and regulations was published at the end of February on AYY Housing Instagram and Facebook. The rules and regulations will also be added on the notice board of your building.

If you have any questions about the new rules and regulations or other housing-related matters, please contact the housing services with a suitable form.

Atlantinkatu 7_6

Residents’ democracy - active neighbour relations

In resident activities, you have the opportunity to influence the comfort and sense of community in your living environment.

Otakaari 18 tiiliseinää ja pihalla oleva kuusi talvella

Housing and nuisance

Respect fellow residents for a harmonious living environment. Please address disruptive behaviour directly with the person in question. If necessary, you can report recurring disturbances to AYY.

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