
Aava Community Section

Aava Community Section promotes, fosters, and renews the Aalto culture. Aava’s goal is to bring all Aalto University students together and create opportunities for every Aalto member to enjoy collaboration and have great experiences.
Robin esiintymässä Aalto Afterpartyssa 2023
Robin performing at Aalto Afterparty 2023

Aava Community Section promotes, fosters, and renews the Aalto culture. Aava’s goal is to bring all Aalto University students together and create opportunities for every Aalto member to enjoy collaboration and have great experiences. Aava fosters established Aalto traditions and further develops the community by creating and organising events, ranging from volleyball tournaments and adventurous outdoor events to major parties. 

Each Aava member has their own area of responsibility, but the section works closely together in all its activities, forming a dynamic group that transforms ideas into reality. Some section members also serve as chairs of the committees. 

Sections and committees recruit members through an open call in late autumn. The term of office lasts one calendar year. The AYY Board selects the chairs of the section, who then choose the section members from among the applicants. The section includes 12 members, and five recruited committees operate within the section. Committee chairs selected for the section will interview and appoint their own committee members.

Further information:

Tuukka Retva, Chair 2024, [email protected]

Pinja Salo, Vice Chair 2024, [email protected]

Events organised by Aava and its committees include, for example:

  • Aalto Afterparty, a major party that concludes the opening day of the academic year 
  • Aalto Open Air, an open-air festival that starts the Aalto Wappu
  • Tour de Terde, terrace crawl
  • Herkkuappro, café crawl
  • SmökkiCup, A! Games and other sports events
  • AYY’s Annual Ball
  • Aalto Amazing Race, an adventure competition for first-year students
Taikatemppuja Aalto Open Airissa 2023
Magic tricks at Aalto Open Air 2023

Aava section positions and committees have varied over the years. The positions and committees elected for the section:


The Chair directs the daily operations of the section, facilitates weekly meetings, and ensures everything runs smoothly. The Vice Chair assists the chair in managing the section and is responsible for the section’s internal events, ranging from official events to recreational activities. Together, the chairs ensure that section members are supported and kept up to date, while also participating in the planning and development of AYY’s cultural sector.

Festival Masters and Festival Committee (FestTMK)

The Festival Committee is led by Festival Masters. The festival masters, in collaboration with their committee, organise two of the biggest Aalto parties: Aalto Afterparty that concludes the opening day of the academic year and the outdoor festival Aalto Open Air that starts the Aalto Wappu. Festival masters can agree on their division of responsibilities regarding these events. The Festival Committee consists of nearly ten members who are interviewed and appointed by the Festival Masters. The committee members have the opportunity to plan and implement events according to their preferences, utilising their personal strenghts in areas such as corporate relations, graphics, and performance technology. Hundreds of volunteers organise parties each year under the Festival Committee.

Annual Ball Master (1-2) and Annual Ball Committee (VujuTMK)

The Annual Ball Master leads the Annual Ball Committee. Together with the section, the Annual Ball Master coordinates Aalto University Student Union’s anniversary week, which culminates in AYY’s annual ball organised by the Annual Ball Master and the Annual Ball Committee, followed by herring breakfast, ‘sillis’. The Annual Ball Master appoints nearly ten members to the Annual Ball Committee. The Annual Ball Committee is responsible for the overall coordination of the annual ball, from planning to execution, with the help of many volunteers. Next year is AYY’s 15th anniversary!

Sports Master, Wellbeing Master, and Sport Committee (LTMK)

Sports Master and Wellbeing Master together lead the Sport Committee. The Wellbeing Master is primarily responsible for cultural and wellbeing events, while the Sports Master oversees sports events. The Sports and Wellbeing Masters convene the Sport Committee, which organises wellbeing-themed events. Traditionally, the committee has organised an alcohol-free café appro Helsingin Herkkuappro, a sports try-out Sporttiappro and various tournaments, such as volleyball tournament SmökkiCup and A!Games between the Aalto schools. In cultural and wellbeing events, Aalto members can pet alpacas at Alvarin Aukio Square, for example. Additionally, the committee has the freedom to develop and organise new events that support wellbeing and physical condition.

Adventure Master(1-2) and Adventure Committee (STMK)

The Adventure Master leads the Adventure Committee, which organises adventure-themed events for the Aalto community. The Adventure Committee’s repertoire traditionally includes the adventure contest Aalto Amazing Race for freshers that brings together participants from all study fields, as well as a terrace crawl Tour de Terde during AYY’s anniversary week, where you can explore the terraces in Helsinki. We also encourage you to create and implement new smaller events!

Master Master and Masters Committee (MTMK) 

Master Master chairs the Masters Committee and, together with the committee, develops and maintains activities specifically aimed at the student union’s master’s and exchange students. The Master Master also coordinates collaboration with KY’s Masters’ Committee, for example. The Masters Committee organises several multicultural events throughout the year, including sitsit, cultural events, and parties. You have the freedom to create your own event concepts! Despite its name, everyone is welcome to join the committee, regardless of their year of study.

Communications Master 

The Communications Master is responsible for Aava’s communications and brand, managing Aava’s social media visibility, scheduling, and coordination with AYY’s communication channels. Depending on their interests, the Communications Master has the opportunity to influence the visual identity of events and Aava’s social media.

Community Master

The Community Master promotes interdisciplinarity by maintaining communication with cultural operators in other student cultures, such as Teekkari Section and KY’s Cultural Committee KUVA.  In addition, the Community Master leads the event committee consisting of event organisers from BIZ and ARTS subject associations. The Community Master is responsible for several interdisciplinary events, ranging from internal recreation to appro departures aimed at the Aalto community. 

AYY13 vuosijuhlatunnelmissa 2023
AYY13 Annual Ball 2023
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