TEK donation funds allocated to improvement of Smökki

The Board of Aalto University Student Union has decided that the donation of 33 700 euros received from the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland (TEK) will be used to acquire festive lighting and a better sound system for Servin Mökki as well as for improving the general accessibility of Servin Mökki. The Board views Servin Mökki as an essential place for Teekkari culture in Otaniemi and wants to increase the traditional facility’s comforts and inclusivity by improving these aspects. Ideas are wanted from the Aalto community for the planning.
TEK projektin kuva 30000 euroa teekkariudelle

What donation, why this decision?

At the end of 2018, the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland, TEK, donated 33 700 euros towards promoting the Teekkari culture and activities in Otaniemi. The project has been advanced by the employees in positions of trust Anna Halsas, Lauri Jurvanen and Essi Puustinen, as appointed by the Secretary General. During the preparation, the plan has been for the donation funds to have a long-standing and positive impact on the Teekkari culture, and the funds are not to be used to advance the normal operations of the Student Union.

Ideas for what to spend the donation on have been collected from the Teekkari community over the spring in workshops and via a form.  In May, the Teekkari Section and guilds voted for their favourite of the whittled-down ideas.

In the vote, the improvement of the festive lighting and PA system of Servin Mökki was the most popular idea. Inaccessibility was brought up in the TEK survey conducted among the Aalto Teekkaris, so the Board also brought into discussion the improvement of the general accessibility of Servin Mökki. The Board sees the winning alternative as a very suitable use for the donation, seeing as the history and current usage of Servin Mökki have made it an essential place for Teekkari culture in Otaniemi. The traditional facility’s comfort and inclusivity will be increased by improving its setting and accessibility.

The other uses with a significant number of scores were ruled out as they were seen to advance even without the donation or to receive funding from elsewhere.

Join us in executing this?

The project will be executed in two parts. Mainly AYY’s Real Estate Sector will be in charge of improving the accessibility. Ideas are wanted from the community for the improvement of the festive lighting and the PA system. A planning evening is organised for this on 29 Aug at 5–7 pm in Servin Mökki. We are hoping for everyone interested in advancing the project to come along with their ideas. Sign up for the planning evening: https://lomake.ayy.fi/yhdistykset/smokin-suunnitteluilta/.

You can also get in touch with the project team with ideas regarding either part of the project (contact details below).


If you have any questions about the Board’s decision, you should get in touch with [email protected].

The project’s progress and execution is led by the project team, whom you are welcome to contact with any other questions: [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]

Have a great summer, and we’ll get back to this in August!

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