Statement: The increased costs at HSL must not fall on the student

HSL's Board of Directors will hold a meeting on 25 October 2022. Increases in ticket prices, reductions in student discounts and limitations on which students are entitled to the student discount (only those who receive student financial aid) will be discussed at the meeting. These changes would reduce students' chances of using public transport.
Aalto-yliopiston metroasema

The limitations on the student discount would exclude students who have used up all the student financial aid months. The current number of months of aid does not allow, for example, for a career change or a slowdown in the pace of studies for reasons such as mental health. If the limitations were to be implemented, they would specifically target students who need the discount the most.

“The livelihood and the situation of students who are no longer eligible for student financial aid is particularly weak. Those students should not be affected by the increases,” says Velma Pohjonen, Board Member of AYY.

In addition, if the discount was to depend on the number of student financial aid months, international students would be completely excluded from receiving the discount, as they are not covered by Finnish social security. The goal of the cities in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area is to attract international students to work there.

"Do Espoo and Helsinki really want to send a message that international students are not welcome here?" asks Otto Usvajärvi, Chairman of the Board of AYY.

An increase in the public transport fares of the students reduce their chances of using public transport. The cities in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area should therefore make adequate investments in supporting public transport. The increased costs at HSL must not fall on the student.

AYY requires that HSL’s Board of Directors cancels the planned cuts regarding student discounts on public transport fares.

Otto Usvajärvi, Chairman of the Board of AYY

Velma Pohjonen, Member of the Board of AYY: social policy and sustainable development

For further information, please contact:

Lauri Jurvanen, Policy Specialist: Social Policy, +358 50 520 9418

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