Pioneers of the Aalto community awarded at the Hugo Gala

Smökkiin kerääntyi perjantaisena iltana 7.12.2018 kirjava joukko Aalto-yhteisön aktiivisia toimijoita viettämään historian ensimmäistä Hugo-gaalaa. Gaalassa juhlistettiin Aalto-yhteisöä ja sen pioneereja, mutta tällä kertaa ei puhuttu yksittäisistä henkilöistä, vaan valokeilaan nostettiin Aalto-yhteisössä toimivien yhdistysten huikeat saavutukset.
Hugo-Gala. Kuva: Henri Heilala
Hugo-Gala. Kuva: Henri Heilala

What is the Hugo Gala and where did the idea come from? “Individual persons are often awarded at annual celebrations. We now wanted to thank and award specifically associations and groups for their amazing accomplishments and the work they do for the community,” explains Kaisa Talvitie, the Aava member in charge of community, of the origins of the Hugo Gala.

During the autumn, Aava collected suggestions of parties deserving recognition. Suggestions could be left in previously defined categories, which were new students, sports and wellbeing, integration of international students and interdisciplinarity. In addition to these, it was possible to suggest a different category.

A large number of suggestions was made. It was difficult to decide on winners as there were plenty of good and well-reasoned applications. “It feels like we really hit the right nerve. There are associations that do great work but have not previously received recognition for their toil. We were able to meet this need with the awards of the Hugo Gala,” says Kaisa.

In the end, seven awards were handed out. One of the awardees was Radiodiodi, who received the award of Community Builder 2018. “Radiodiodi enables the outward visibility and audibility of the community. They work to make others look good and have their voices heard while remaining in the background themselves,” reasons Talvitie about Radiodiodi’s award. A list of all award recipients can be found at the end of this story.

Radiodiodi pokkasi Yhteisönraknetaja 2018 -palkinnon. Kuva: Henri Heilala
Radiodiodi pokkasi Yhteisönraknetaja 2018 -palkinnon. Kuva: Henri Heilala

The Hugo Gala was organised by Aalto University Student Union’s Aalto Community Section Aava. The plan is to make the Gala an annual tradition.

Further information: Kaisa Talvitie, Community Section Aava’s member in charge of community, [email protected]

Awards handed out at the Hugo Gala on 7 Dec 2018:

Community Builder 2018: Radiodiodi

Internationality Innovator 2018: Polyteknikkojen partioklubi Teepakki ry

Aalto Community Bridgebuilder 2018: Hosts and Hostesses 2018

Paving the Way for the Aalto Community 2018: Aalto Beer Pong ry

Freshman Education Trailblazer 2018: Nuoret Designerit ry

Student Wellbeing Pathfinder 2018: Teekkariratsastajat ry

Interdisciplinary Pioneer 2018: Otanko ry

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