Municipalities must provide COVID-19 passport for those vaccinated outside the EU

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health has instructed municipalities to create a passport for those who have received the approved vaccines outside the EU. Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa have refused to follow the instructions by stating that this is not technically possible. The decision puts the vaccinated in an unequal position.
Rebecca Adrianzen
Board member Rebecca Adrianzen

The importance of the COVID-19 passport in daily life is increasing as restrictions return to the Helsinki metropolitan area. Many Finnish and international students do not have the opportunity to acquire the passport, even if they have received two vaccines approved by the European Medicines Agency. The reason for this is simple; vaccinations were administered in a non-EU country.

”The COVID-19 passport plays an important role in student life. With the new restrictions, anniversaries and student parties often require the COVID-19 passport. Students organise events responsibly in a changing situation. Many have waited for a long time to be able to spend time safely with their fellow students”, says AYY Board Member Rebecca Adrianzen.

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health has instructed municipalities to create a passport for those who have received the approved vaccines outside the EU. Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa have refused to follow the instructions by stating that this is not technically possible. The decision puts the vaccinated in an unequal position.

Espoo, Vantaa and Helsinki must provide a COVID-19 passport also for those who have been vaccinated outside the EU. Participation in the events should be possible equally, regardless of whether you have been vaccinated in Finland, during your exchange studies or in your home country before the beginning of your studies. It is important to ensure the equal treatment of the vaccinated, especially now that there are plans to extend the use of the COVID-19 passport.

Further information:

Rebecca Adrianzen

Board Member: International Affairs, Associations, Council

+358 40 677 2033

Fon Krairiksh

Policy Specialist: International Affairs

+358 40 187 6607


 1: STM on antanut ohjauskirjeen koronatodistuksen myöntämisestä ulkomailla annetuista rokotteista: (Translation not available on the ministry's site.)

2: Capital region municipalities do not issue EU Covid certificates for vaccines administered abroad:

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