Frans Cederlöf elected to the SYL Board for the year of 2020

AYY's candidate Frans Cederlöf elected to the SYL Board for the year of 2020.
Frans Cederlöf, vastavalittu SYL:n hallituslainen 2020.
Frans Cederlöf, the newly elected board member of SYL for 2020.

Aalto University Student Union’s candidate Frans Cederlöf has been elected to the Board of the National Union of University Students in Finland for the year of 2020. The general assembly elected the Board for the next year on Saturday.

“I am extremely excited about the coming year as a member of the SYL Board. Next year, we need to focus particularly on good relations with our partners. It is important for SYL to contribute to the involvement of students in the overall reform of social security and to improving the position of international students, for example,” says Cederlöf.

For the past two years, Cederlöf has served as Vice Chair of Svenska Studieförbundet SSF, the umbrella organisation for Swedish-speaking organisations in Finland. Cederlöf is currently serving in Finlands Svenska Skolungdomsförbundet FSS. Previously he has also worked in the European Youth Parliament.

The other board members elected are Paavo Antikainen (Tampere Student Union), Paula Karhunen (Helsinki University Student Union), Johanna Pohjonen (Turku University Student Union), Jenni Tuomainen (Lapland University Student Union) and Teemu Virtanen (Oulu University Student Union).

The National Union of University Students in Finland represents more than 130,000 university students. The union has an impact on educational, social and international issues at a national level.   

More information:

Frans Cederlöf, 050 430 2458

Advocacy and communications manager Laura Luoto, 040 575 9092

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