Corona spring must not determine the future student admissions

Aalto University Student Union hopes that student admissions in spring 2020 will not be used as a starting point for student admissions in 2021.

The spring with the coronavirus epidemic has transformed student admissions in higher education. In joint application for Master of Science in Technology education, the share of certificate-based admission was increased to 80% of the intake in the joint application procedure. In joint application for business studies, the share of certificate-based admission increased to 85%.The remaining shares will be selected on the basis of entrance examinations. Aalto does not make these decisions alone but works closely with other universities on student admissions in these fields.

From an applicant’s point of view, the changes are severe: students cannot have effect on passed matriculation examinations, and the drastically reduced chance of being selected on the basis of an entrance examination will certainly cause more stress for those preparing for entrance examinations.

Aalto University Student Union hopes that student admissions in spring 2020 will not be used as a starting point for student admissions in 2021. This spring is exceptional in many ways, and higher education institutions have had challenges to adapt to the new situation. It is essential to maintain the accessibility of education: upper secondary school choices or success in matriculation examination must not determine access to university.

When planning student admissions for 2021, the share of students admitted on the basis of certificates and the quota for first-time applicants need to be reconsidered. In business studies, certificate-based admission is reserved only for first-timers. In the field of engineering, persons who have succeeded in the matriculation exam may also have to take an entrance examination instead of certificate-based admission if the admission criteria for study programmes are not met. Does applying to Aalto appear as a realistic option, and how much more pressure can we add on young people?

However, Aalto University Student Union is pleased that the universities have found ways to implement student admissions despite the difficult conditions this spring. Fortunately, entrance examinations at Aalto are organised in such a way that the preparation of applicants is not wasted. Aalto University Student Union would like to encourage applicants to continue preparing for the entrance examinations and wish you all good luck!

Further information:

Tarmo Kivioja, Board Member tel. 040 610 5744

Minna Mäkitalo, Policy Specialist, tel. 050 520 9438

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