AYY signs a climate emergency letter for the COP 25 meeting in Chile, over 200 higher education institutions take part

AYY takes part in the climate emergency letter for the COP 25 meeting in Chile. In the letter, networks and institutions working in further and higher education from across the world declare a climate emergency.

AYY takes part in the climate emergency letter for the COP 25 meeting in Chile. In the letter, networks and institutions working in further and higher education from across the world declare a climate emergency. The letter will be shared with the states and the media at the Climate Change Conference in Chile in December 2019.

By signing the letter, higher education communities are calling for a drastic societal shift to combat the effects of climate change. Currently, over 200 higher education institutions have signed the letter. In this letter, higher education communities commit to promote climate research, environmental expertise and education, sustainable campus and community activities, as well as carbon neutrality.

“This year, AYY has paid more attention to environmental issues. Before signing this letter, we have committed to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and made our student housing operations more environmentally friendly,” says Chair of AYY Board, Tapio Hautamäki, proudly. “These actions are not enough to stop climate change, but every action is now needed more than ever. I would now like to challenge Aalto University and the National Union of University Students in Finland to sign the climate emergency letter.”

More information about the letter and its signatories can be found at this link. The climate emergency letter can be signed until 1 December 2019.

Tapio Hautamäki
Tapio Hautamäki

AYY signs a climate emergency letter for the COP 25 meeting in Chile, over 200 higher education institutions take part. Chair of AYY Board, Tapio Hautamäki, is proud of his studen union.

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