AYY is looking for residents to develop the best student housing in the world

All residents of AYY’s properties have the opportunity to influence their housing and the future of all AYY’s housing operations.
7 young people smiling and standing in the stairway
Castle Wardens 2021

The Act on Joint Management of Rental Buildings obliges AYY to provide an opportunity for tenants to get organised and have influence. At AYY, tenant activities are carried out in accordance with the Act on Joint Management of Rental Buildings and the Administrative Regulation for the Halls of Residence. During 2022, AYY will update housing democracy bodies according to the guidelines issued by ARA. 

Next year, residents can have influence as castle wardens and tenant council members, as well as participate in house meetings where residents’ representatives will be elected in November-December. You will find the invitation to the house meeting on the notice board of your building no later than 7 days before the meeting. Printed invitations will also be distributed to each apartment. In 2021, house meetings will be held in weeks 47-49. 

AYY’s residents can also apply as residents’ representatives to the Finance Board. Applications to the Finance Board are submitted using a separate form.

Castle wardens are elected at house meetings

Castle wardens are trustees elected by residents, who act as contact persons between the residents and the Student Union. Their duties include monthly building rounds where they observe the condition of the building and report any defects. Castle wardens’ duties also include convening a house meeting, chairing a tenant council and overseeing the residents’ rights. 

A monthly fee of EUR 90 is paid for the castle warden duties. Castle wardens may wear a castle warden’s ribbon and badge as an academic symbol. Castle wardens are elected at annual house meetings in November and December. Training will be provided at the beginning of the term.

House meetings are open to all residents

All residents of the building are welcome to attend the annual house meetings. Information on the time and place of the house meeting and the agenda will be distributed to the notice board of the building and to each apartment. A castle warden and a tenant council are elected at the meeting. In addition, house meetings may address the affairs of the building, such as the use of common facilities or common needs. Tenants do not have to sign up for the meeting in advance.

Tenant council is elected at the house meeting

House meetings elect a tenant council, which can make proposals on the comfort of housing, develop the facilities and organise a wide range of activities for the residents. You can also send development proposals to AYY and receive help to implement the proposals. Tenant councils receive funding from the Student Union for common furniture purchases and social evenings, for example.

3-8 members are elected to the tenant council. The castle warden of the building chairs the tenant council.

Housing Cooperative ASY

The purpose of the housing cooperative is to develop AYY’s housing as a whole. The members of the housing cooperative develop the activities of castle wardens. In addition, the cooperative appoints its representatives to the Housing Committee and the Finance Board. 

In January 6-10 castle wardens and 2-3 student union representatives are elected to the housing cooperative.

Read more about your chances to promote student living

Apply for a position as a representative on the Finance Board 

The Finance Board offers its student members an opportunity to participate in the Student Union’s decision-making process and crucial preparatory work for two years at a time. As a Finance Board member, you will represent other students at meetings. It is also a wonderful opportunity to improve your personal negotiation and decision-making skills. Ilkka Särkiö, resident representative in 2018–2019, describes the job like this: 

"The Finance Board provides the students with an amazing perspective on the practices and expertise of professionals in the field, as well as the opportunity to influence the financial planning of the Student Union. The know-how of student members is taken seriously, and they have significant opportunities to intervene in and initiate issues.” 

The Finance Board is responsible for the management and administration of the Student Union property. The Chair and 7-9 members of the Board meet approximately once a month to discuss current issues typically related to the next financially significant decisions of the Representative Council or to the Student Union’s resource or housing activity planning.  

The Finance Board works not only through regular meetings but also in two sections: the real estate section reviews and prepares matters related to real estate projects and the investment section meets with treasurers and discusses options in competitive bidding. In practice, the Finance Board provides recommendations to the Board and the Representative Council based on its meetings and the work of the sections. It also supports AYY’s Finance Director and the real estate sector in preparing decisions. 

Half of the Board members are students and half are expert members representing professional backgrounds in financial management, real estate and economic activities. The Representative Council elects the student members based on the proposal of the AYY Board (two representatives) and the residents (two representatives). The term of office is two years. Therefore, one representative of AYY and one representative of residents are elected annually. 

Applicants are required to have knowledge of the Student Union’s decision-making, resource planning and finances as well as readiness for active participation in meetings.

Apply for a position on the Finance Board by 22 November 2021! 
(NB: You can apply for several positions of trust by filling in the form. Select the Finance Board option and mention that you are applying as a representative of the housing cooperative ASY.) 

Learn more about the Finance Board

Or contact us: Monika Kivimäki, AYY’s Financial Director ([email protected])

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