AYY expanded its art collection – works on display at the Museum of Student Life

Aalto University Student Union has made annual art acquisitions. In 2020, digital works by Gaurika Singhal and I. K. Rovanto were added to the collection. In 2021, the collection was expanded with ceramic works by Tatu Rouvinen, Sandra Prami and Amir Tahvonen. In the future, the art collection will be part of the permanent exhibition of the Museum of Student Life maintained by AYY.
Kuvassa taidehankinnat vuodelta 2021

In 2020–2021, AYY’s art collection was expanded with a total of seven acquisitions.

In 2020, AYY acquired digital art for its art collection, which was suited for the year with the COVID-19 pandemic. The Section for Artistic Activities TaiTo launched an open call for works for Aalto students and received a total of 13 entries. The members of the jury included section members Ayano Honda, Santtu Lauronen, Meri-Tuuli Moilanen and Antti Regelin, as well as media artist Kasperi Mäki-Reinikka, who selected the works Perfect Produce (Gaurika Singhal 2020), Rice and Roll (Gaurika Singhal 2020), blue house 2 (I. K. Rovanto 2020) and red moon 51 (I. K. Rovanto 2020) to the art collection.

In November 2021, we had the opportunity to buy art on the campus, as TOKYO’s Christmas sales were held for the first time in Väre, Otaniemi. The theme of the art acquisitions was ceramics and the interconnected world of nature and colour. The artistic activities team selected three works from among the dozens of works at TOKYO’s Christmas sales: Tulen kala (Tatu Rouvinen 2021), Hemmo (Sandra Prami 2021) and Sieni (Amir Tahvonen 2021).

You can admire the works at the Museum of Student Life maintained by AYY, as the Student Union’s art collection will be included in the permanent exhibition of the museum. After the end of the restrictions imposed due to COVID-19, the Museum of Student Life will be open again as usual in even weeks on Mondays from 6pm to 8pm and on Sundays from 2pm to 4pm at Jämeräntaival 3A.

The Student Union acquires art every year. Next time, art acquisitions will take place in the autumn of 2022.

Further information:

Anna Merikari, Artistic Activities Specialist, Aalto University Student Union

tel. +358 50 520 9439

Aalto University Student Union AYY is an advocacy and service organisation for approximately 15,000 Aalto University students of technology, business and arts. AYY represents the interests of its members, particularly in academic affairs and social affairs concerning students.

The Museum of Student Life is a museum presenting the history and present of the student cultures of Aalto University Student Union and its predecessors, run by a strong group of volunteers and museum staff in Otaniemi, Espoo, at Jämeräntaival 3 A. Open in even-numbered weeks on Mondays from 6pm to 8pm and Sundays from 2pm to 4pm. Free admission. The facilities are not accessible.

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