Advance booking of facilities for the spring of 2021

AYY’s first-list associations have the right to book rental saunas, event venues and meeting rooms in advance. Each association category has their own schedule for making reservations. On this page, you will find schedules and practical instructions for the booking round for the spring and summer 2021.
Kuvitus tilasta, jossa sohva, ikkuna ja kyltti saunaan

Publiced 2.11., updated 30.11.

Advance booking of facilities in a nutshell

The advance booking of rental facilities is one of the benefits of AYY’s associations. Reservations are made using AYY’s own booking system, TILA. TILA can be found at and users can log in with their Aalto user ID. Check out the rental facilities here.

Unlike in the previous booking rounds, advance booking sessions are not organised physically. Associations must be prepared to negotiate possible double bookings via email immediately after the booking round.

In addition, we ask the associations to take into account that the booking policies under exceptional circumstances(e.g. maximum number of people, safety form, prices) are valid for the time being and the AYY Board regularly reviews the situation. Associations must comply with safety regulations issued by the authorities and the more detailed instructions issued by AYY concerning the safety of events.

In this booking round, you can book facilities for the period 18 Jan 2021−8 Aug 2021. (Note! Changed start date due to COVID-19)

In the system, the booking schedule for facilities is as follows:

  1. Special status associations
    The booking period starts at 12noon on Tue, 1 Dec 2020, and ends at 12noon on Mon, 7 Dec.
    Advance booking sessions are not held this year. Associations led by the Services Office will clarify any double bookings between 7 Dec 12noon−8 Dec, 4pm. Please be prepared to negotiate possible double bookings by following the instructions sent by email. The Services Office will send a separate message in these cases. Please note exceptional instructions for recreational facilities (below).
  2. Other associations in the 1st list
    The booking period starts at 12noon on Wed, 9 Dec 2020, and ends at 12 noon on Tue, 15 Dec.
    Advance booking events are not held this year. Associations led by the Services Office will clarify any double bookings between 12noon on 15 Dec and 4pm on 16 Dec. Please be prepared to negotiate possible double bookings by following the instructions sent by email. The Services Office will send a separate message in these cases.
  3. Members and 2nd list associations
    After the advance booking round, the booking calendar will be opened at 12noon on 18 Dec to other bookers.

Important note! Reservations for three recreational facilities (Multi-Facility HallTatami Hall Association Room) cannot be made until the booking round starting on 9 Dec. For these facilities, associations must be prepared to clarify double bookings between 12noon on 15 Dec and 4pm on 16 Dec according to email instructions. This applies to all associations in the 1st list!  The purpose is to guarantee all associations more equal opportunities to book these highly popular free facilities.

Booking schedules for associations

Association or booker category Booking entered in TILA system Confirmation of bookings (check your email) PLEASE NOTE!
Special status associations  (EAY)

1 Dec, 12noon− 7 Dec, 12noon

and 9 Dec, 12noon−15 Dec at 12noon (recreational facilities)*

7 Dec, 12noon− 8 Dec, 4pm


15 Dec, 12noon −16 Dec, 4pm *

*Free recreational facilities Multi-Facility Hall, Tatami Hall, Association Room may be booked on the 2nd round
Other associations in the first list 9 Dec, 12noon - 15 Dec, 12noon 15 Dec, 12noon− 16 Dec, 4pm Including all the above-mentioned recreational facilities also for special status associations
Associations in the 2nd list, all AYY members, as well as non-members starting at 12noon on 18 Dec 2020 According to the order of received applications We will inform you on the front page of TILA system when the booking calendar opens.

PLEASE NOTE! All the free recreational facilities (Multi-Facility HallTatami HallAssociation Room) can be booked during the last round. This applies to all, regardless of the type of a first list association.

Instructions for making reservations: 

  • In the advance booking session, facilities are reserved under the name of the association. The activation key has been sent to the e-mail address provided by the associations (generally this has been the list address of the association board). If necessary, persons who have taken care of the facility bookings can distribute their rights through TILA system to the new board members of associations, for example.
  • The name of the event must be entered in the reservation. If there is no name, the event can be deleted if there is a need for the reserved facility for the same day at a later stage of the advance booking session.
  • Please note that AYY’s internal reservations are, in principle, permanent.
  • Bookings for annual celebration and herring breakfast by special status associations are prioritised over the reservations of other associations. Bookings made by special status associations during their booking period are confirmed after the period ends. Possible double bookings of special status associations are clarified in the first advance booking session. Special status associations do not have to come to defend their bookings to another booking session. Exceptions to this are recreational facilities (Multi-Facility Hall, Tatami Hall and Association Room), for which all associations can make reservations only from 9 Dec onwards. For these three facilities, double bookings will be clarified for all associations only after the end of the second booking round.
  • Double bookings can only be made within the period when reservations are made. After the booking period, double bookings are clarified by email according to the instructions of AYY’s Services Office and modified with AYY’s user ID.
  • In case of long booking periods or several double bookings, the representative of a group that made the reservation should be prepared to justify their booking by email. If necessary, we will contact the bookers at the end of the booking round. 
  • Please also consider other associations when making the bookings. Only book facilities according to actual need. In addition to AYY operators, the facilities are used by guilds, special status associations and other associations who have a need for facilities. If possible, please avoid booking Smökki for the following times: PO has rehearsals at Smökki every Monday at 6pm−9pm and RWBK every Tuesday at 5pm−10pm. So please avoid academic seated dinners on Mondays and Tuesdays.
  • If the facility sector notices that a certain association has made too many reservations and thus significantly reduced the opportunity of other associations to benefit from AYY’s facilities, AYY reserves the right to request additional clarification or cancel the already confirmed reservations.
  • The price list can be found here.
  • You can find the terms of usage here (e.g. time restrictions, age limits of the person in charge, cleaning and checklists)

NB! Restrictions on the number of people and separately accepted safety instructions are valid for the time being due to safety measures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. For the same reason, there have also been changes in prices that are valid for the time being. AYY reserves the right to make changes.

If you have not received a confirmation ID for the user group you represent or if you have any questions related to the advance booking, you can contact AYY’s Services Office: ayy (a) 

Tips for events under exceptional circumstances

How can I consider the safety of the participants if I organise an event? How do I collect a list of participants? What restrictions has AYY made on the rental of facilities and the maximum number of people? Also review the tips published in the spring on how to organise a game night or living room gig remotely.

Organising safe events - guidelines for AYY’s associations

These guidelines include AYY’s instructions and recommendations for associations on how to organise events during COVID-19.

Otaniemen kampuksella fukseja orientaatioviikolla.

Instructions for making remote events

Instructions for making remote events


Latest facility news on accessibility and access codes

In which facilities is accessibility best taken into account? Which facilities can I enter with access codes instead of having to pick up the key from the Services Office?

Ossinsaunan keittiö ja avonainen ovi saunatilaan

Accessibility in rental facilities

Which event venues, saunas and meeting rooms are accessible or nearly accessible? Check out the summary here. Each facility has its own site where you can find more detailed descriptions.

Rent facilities or van
Musta kulkukoodilaite tiiliseinällä

Access codes available for many of AYY’s rental facilities, accessibility updates and saunas heated by users

Instead of keys, many facilities can be accessed with access codes and there is more information on accessibility on the website. The saunas can be heated at a time that suits you.

Access codes available for many of AYY’s rental facilities, accessibility updates and saunas heated by users

Rent facilities or van

AYY members can rent saunas, meeting rooms, event venues, and a van at a low cost. The facilities are located in Espoo and Helsinki.

Read more about the facilities
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