Supplementary call for applications for student representatives in the administration of Aalto University

AYY is seeking the last few student representatives for 2021.
Keskellä henkilö ja teksti Hae hallopediksi

Aalto University Student Union (AYY) is opening a supplementary call for applications for student representatives in the Aalto University administration for the year 2021. The descriptions of the different organs of trust contain more detailed information about possible requirements and restrictions.

The call for applications opens on 27 January and closes on 7 February 2021 at 11.59 pm, by which time the applications must be handed in. The application is done via the electronic application form available at The application instructions and the regulations for student representatives can be found on the Aalto University Student Union website at

In principle, all undergraduate and doctoral students of Aalto University are eligible to apply.

Students of the school in question are eligible to apply for executive bodies under the schools.

Students of the programme in question are eligible to apply for programme-specific executive bodies.

The names of the applicants and their applications may be handed to the associations of Aalto University Student Union and to the responsible Hallopeds it has named for the purpose of giving recommendations when choosing the student representatives in administration. The Board of Aalto University Student Union chooses the student representatives by 10 February 2021.

The Student Union also wishes international students and students of all genders to apply for the student representative positions. The selection will follow the requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act, the Act on Equality Between Women and Men, and the Non-discrimination Act.

Criteria for selection

Academic affairs committees 

The selection decisions are made based on the applications, which are written in the field on the application form. The application should clearly show the applicant’s e-mail address, field of study, School, experience relevant to the position, and their ability to hold their position for the duration of the term of office. The criteria used for selection include interest in and commitment to the task, proven knowledge of influencing work in an administrative organ, and contacts to students via e.g. organisations or other types of activity. Be sure to describe concisely what you think are the most important development targets of Aalto University or your School in your application. Representation from different fields of expertise or study, and the stage of the candidates’ studies, are also taken into consideration when making the selection. Previous experience as a student representative or as a person responsible for studies in an association may also be considered advantageous.


The selection decisions are made based on the applications, which are written in the field on the application form. The application should clearly show the applicant’s e-mail address, field of study, School, experience relevant to the position, and their ability to hold their position for the duration of the term of office. The criteria used for selection include interest in and commitment to the task, proven knowledge of influencing work in an administrative organ, and contacts to students via e.g. organisations or other types of activity. Representation from different fields of expertise or study, and the stage of the candidates’ studies, are also taken into consideration when making the selection. Previous experience as a student representative or as a person responsible for studies in an association may also be considered advantageous.

In Otaniemi, on 27 January 2021
On behalf of the Aalto University Student Union Board 

Teemu Palkki
Policy Specialist, Academic Affairs

Further information and help for applying: [email protected]

Student representatives in administration for 2021

Organ, number of member + deputy member

Aalto University

Management Group of the Language Centre, 0+1
Restaurant Committee, 0+1
Open University Steering Group, 1+0

School of Arts and Design ARTS

Academic Committee for Arts, Design and Architecture, 0+3
Curriculum Working Group of the School of Arts, Design and Architecture, 0+1
Bachelor’s Programme in Design Programme Committee, 1+2
Degree Programme Committee of Animation, 2+2

School of Business BIZ

Academic Committee for Economics, 0+2
Business Law Program Committee, 0+1
Entrepreneurship Programme Committee, 1+1

School of Electrical Engineering ELEC

Degree Programme Committee for Electronics and Nanotechnology, 0+2

School of Sciences SCI 

Quality and Equality Committee in the School of Science, 1+1

Joint Programmes                      

Aalto Science and Technology Bachelor Programme Committee (SCI, ELEC, ENG, CHEM), 0+1
Computer, Communications and Information Sciences CCIS Programme Committee (SCI, ELEC), 1+1
IDBM programme committee (ARTS, BIZ, CHEM, ELEC, ENG, SCI), 0+3
Degree Programme Committee of Advanced Energy Solutions (CHEM, ELEC, ENG), 3+3
Master’s Programme in Urban Studies and Planning Education Council, 2+2
Creative Sustainability Program Committee, 0+1

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