Summery greetings from Mikkeli!

Chair of Probba ry Säde Torkki tells, what is the summer, filled with studies, like in Mikkeli.

Most students have dropped their busy study schedule by now and moved on to a summer job. The situation here in Mikkeli is a little bit different as the courses here continue through the summer, just the same as in winter. Over the summer months, you get to have two weeks of holiday but otherwise, the summer is spent studying and, for yours truly, also volunteering for Probba.

You say studying through summer is no fun? On the contrary! I am really looking forward to the approaching summer and have only heard good things about a summer in Mikkeli from our older students. Even though as a kid, the summer holidays were always the highlight of the school year, the situation may have changed a bit. I can think of many positives to a summer at school: your mates are all there, you can celebrate the summer’s highlights collectively and just generally enjoy the sunny season together! Doing your homework by the lake, with an ice cream in one hand, is not the worst scenario I can think of.

You will surely not be left with nothing to do over the summer, as events are being organised for students throughout the season. This is one of my favourite things about Mikkeli; the amazingly active community that will not run out of ideas when it comes to putting on events!

For example, the highlight of the summer for many is Juhannus-Möbba, which is us students gathering on a small island to celebrate Midsummer with all its traditions. Some exoticism is added to the trip by the fact that you can only access the island by boat (for the bravest, of course, there is also a swimming option) and that there is no running water or electricity on the island. Rural charm at its best. Another traditional summer event is the Mikkeli Boat Trip, on which a bigger group of us goes cruising on Lake Saimaa.

In addition to Probba, the summer’s pace is kept up by the other clubs in our School as well.  NESU-Probba’s Summer Sitsit, the football games coordinated by FC Probba in the Mikkeli area amateur league and the events built around the flavours offered by Baba’s Kitchen, to mention a few, guarantee a broad spread of events for our students through the summer and all the way to the orientation week looming at the beginning of autumn.

As for me, I am eagerly looking forward to an action-filled summer! I have heard lots of acquaintances say that Mikkeli is a charming summer city, so what could be better than to experience the summery frolics of Southern Savonia from a student’s perspective.

Säde Torkki, Nainen seisoo nurmikolla

Säde Torkki, Chair of Probba ry

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