Open call for artwork for AYY’s art collection

Call for Aalto University Student Union's art collection is open from 17 to 30 November 2023.
vanhempi naisoletettu osoittaa keraamisia taideteoksia Opiskelijakulttuurimuseon vitriineissä

It’s time to build up AYY’s art collection with artwork by members, Aalto University students. The theme for the 2023 call is “Peace”. As the aim is to purchase a couple works of art, the art acquisition budget is around 1500 – 2000 euros. Artists can submit up to two works of art. The works to be acquired are selected by a jury of art experts along with representatives from AYY & TOKYO, at the beginning of December.

The works can be proposed to AYY during the application period from 17 to 30 November 2023, and the works must be redeemable during December. Send your application here.

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