Frequently asked questions regarding operating grants and association notices

This page features a collection of questions and their answers to make things easier for applicants in problematic situations.

This page features a collection of questions and their answers to make things easier for applicants in problematic situations. If you cannot find an answer to your question here, do not hesitate to get in touch at [email protected].


A.      Where can I find the user details for the Tahlo system?

Last year’s Board should have them safe. If not, you can restore the password to your Board’s email address at If no message appears, please also check your spam folder and moderation of your email-list. If this does not work, contact us at [email protected] and we will look into it. You log in to the system at

B.      Where can I find the user details for the website to update the association profile?

Last year’s Board should have them safe. If not, you can restore the password to your Board’s email address at If this does not work, contact us at [email protected] and we will look into it. You log in to the system at

C.      For what are scores given in the grant application?

In accordance with the scoring model, which is available here: The application is used to assess e.g. the amount and variety of the association’s operations and its communality and responsibility. In addition to the answers provided in Tahlo, the appendices are an essential part of the application. A more specific score distribution for each section can be found in the Board-approved scoring model. See also the tips herefor gaining extra scores.

D.      The answer choices do not fit our association, what do I do?

Answer as best you can, in accordance with the plans in your operational plan. All answer choices cannot work for more than 200 associations operating within AYY, so more specifics and information can be added in the additional information fields. If the association is found to have provided false information, it may be denied this year’s grant or the right to apply for a grant in the next application round. Also, give us feedback at [email protected].

E.       How do I create an association profile?

See more detailed instructions here.

F.       How do I know in which list our association is?

Check the Tahlo system’s General tab. If you are in the 1st list, you can apply for an operating grant. Others are only required to submit an association notice.

F +.     Where is the Send-button? When am I ready?

There is no Send-button in the Tahlo system, but it is enough that you have saved all the tabs after entering the data and added the required attachments.


G.      I do not have all of the required appendices, what do I do?

Everyone has an entire month to apply. That is enough time to prepare the missing documents for this year and to ask for the previous operating year’s documents from your predecessors. In accordance with good association administration, associations should have all of these documents at hand for each year. If you have a justified reason for the missing appendices, request more time before the application period ends at [email protected]. Each missing appendix reduces the amount of the grant. A potential grant cannot be paid out if the association has not submitted the missing appendices by 31 May 2019.

H.      I do not have the rules of our association, what do I do?

In Tahlo, check the previous year’s Attachments tab (change the year in the top right corner). Are they there? If you have not amended your rules, you can attach these same rules for the year 2019. You can also ask the previous operators or the Finnish Patent and Registration Office for these. Remember to save the most current version of the rules! If you have a justified reason for the missing appendices, request more time before the application period ends at [email protected].

I.        I do not have last year’s financial documents, what do I do?

The documents in accordance with good administration must be prepared annually. You can get a lot done in a month. You can find some tips in the Association Guide’s section “Administration and finances” as well as in the training materials [in Finnish] available under “Services and info.” Simple templates [in Finnish] for preparing a balance sheet and a profit and loss account can be found in the Association Guide’s Materials bank. If you have a justified reason for the missing appendices, request more time before the application period ends at [email protected].

J.        Our operating year does not follow the calendar year, which appendices do I submit?

Those for the ongoing and the previous operating year. For those following the calendar year, these are appendices for 2018 and 2019. For associations operating from summer to summer, for example, the current operating period is 2018–2019 and the previous one 2017–2018.

K.      We are a new association and have no documents yet, what do I do?

You can submit the appendices for the current operating year as normal. In place of last year’s documents, submit documents in which you explain in a couple of sentences the status of the previous year’s operations or the detailed founding dates.

L.       Our association operations are winding down and there are no documents from last year, what do I do?

Review carefully in which direction your association’s operations are heading. Will the operations keep going, pick up this year or continue to wind down? If they will keep going briskly, submit the appendices for this year as normal and, in place of last year’s documents, submit documents in which you explain in a couple of sentences the status of the previous year’s operations.

M.    How and for what can I request some extra time?

The Organisation Sector assesses the justification of the reasons individually for each association. Request more time before the application period ends at [email protected] and tell us at the same time when you will be able to submit the appendices. Starting to prepare your application late is not a valid reason for requesting more time. See the above items for more detailed tips on missing appendices.

N.     Our annual general meeting is too late, what do I do?

Request more time if you will not be able to have your operational documents approved in your annual general meeting before the end of March. The association meeting can also be organised later in the autumn if this is stipulated in your rules. In this case, there are clear reasons for requesting more time.


O.     We have an anniversary year/a nice project for this year. Can we receive a larger grant?

AYY’s operating grants are meant for supporting associations’ ongoing operations. For all projects outside the ongoing operations and for new, mind-blowing ideas, funding can be applied for from TTE Fund (

P.      How can I give feedback on the application form and the whole process?

The last box on Tahlo’s Application tab has room for all comments and feedback. You can also send us your feedback at [email protected].

Q.     How much time does it take to process the applications and notifications?

It is impossible to give an exact estimate. There are lots of applications and only two reviewers, who will simultaneously take care of their other duties. Reviewing will take at least all of April, but we attempt to have the grants paid out before the summer. You will be informed of possible delays separately.

R.     Why can’t I review my association’s applications from previous years?

The scoring model has been lightly updated and the application form revised to ease the process for associations. Less open answers and long explanations are needed, as these have been replaced with tick-box choices. Of course, you can still write in the open fields about the development of your operations as well as events that are not listed in the tick-boxes. Due to this change, the application tab has also changed for previous years, and the original applications for previous years cannot be viewed.

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