

Representative Council 9/2021

Aalto University Student Union’s Representative Council convenes for its meeting 9/2021.
Picture of the Representative Council voting.

Dipolin pikkujoulut

Have you heard of partying in Dipoli? Or have you already forgotten what Dipoli is? Now it is the time to experience that mystical building, because the biggest and baddest pre-Christmas party is right around the corner!
Otakaari 24
Dipolin pikkujoulut 8.12.

Polirytmi & Pelmu Open Jam Session

Studio jam evenings are here again! Come and experience this Christmas' best jam session, whether you want to play or just hang out.
Jämeräntaival 1 OUBS Studio, JMT1 Basement

The Secret Most Beautiful - Female Choir KYN’s Christmas Concerts

Conducted by Kaija Viitasalo, Lighting design by Mika Venhovaara
The Chapel of the Holy Heart, Kirstinkatu 1, Helsinki
Salaisuuksista kaunein - Naiskuoro KYN :n joulukonsertit

The Secret Most Beautiful - Female Choir KYN’s Christmas Concerts

Conducted by Kaija Viitasalo, Lighting design by Mika Venhovaara
Temppeliaukio Rock Church, Lutherinkatu 3, Helsinki
Salaisuuksista kaunein - Naiskuoro KYN :n joulukonsertit

Declaration of Wappu Rowdiness 2022

Once again, the time has come to raise the teekkari & graduation caps and celebrate the most special Spring festivity!
Servin mökki
An orange fox carrying a graduation cap in its mouth.

Sustainability May

In May, AYY and TF will highlight measures for sustainable development in their operations and communication. Everyone can participate in the Sustainability Month by joining the Sustainability Challenge.

Flower Day 2022 / Kylä 70

One of the most certain signs of spring is the arrival of the Flower Day (Flooran Päivä). This day is also known as the birthday of our dear Teekkari village, celebrating its 70th birthday! 
Servin mökki
Kukanpäivä / Kylä 70 image

Polirytmi Festival

The Engineering Students' jazz association Polirytmi is organizing its very first festival on Sunday May 29th. The event is open to the public and free of charge!

What: Polirytmi Festival
Where: Servin mökki, Jämeräntaival 4
When: Sunday 29th of May 2022, noon to 23 pm
Why: Because live music!
More info: FB +
Servin mökki Jämeräntaival 4, 02150 Espoo
Polirytmi festival banner image

Guild of the Cross: Petrus Ahonen — the meaning of worshipmusic

Come and listen to the worship musician Petrus Ahonen's thoughts on the importance of Christian worship music and thanksgiving prayer! Perhaps there will also be an opportunity to sing thanks to the Lord together using Ahonen's worship songs.
Sähkömiehentie 3, 02150 Espoo Maarintalon yhdistyshuone (2. kerros, huone 240-241)

The Guild of the Cross: Bible-study evening

What on earth is a Bible study circle? On 21.9. the Guild of the Cross is organising a Bible study evening, in which we will divide into small groups, sharing about our lives, praying, studying the Bible, and thinking how to apply the knowledge in real life. You are very welcome to join!
Sähkömiehentie 3, 02150 Espoo The associasion room of Maari building (2nd floor, rooms 240-241)

Ristin kilta: fuksisauna

What would be a better way to meet new and old people than sauna? Come and have a pleasant evening in a good company and fun activities: sauna, board games, pizza, etc. The event is free of charge.
Mikä olisi sen parempi tapa tutustua uusiin ja vanhoihin ihmisiin kuin sauna? Tervetuloa viettämään iltaa hyvän seuran, lautapelien, saunomisen ja pitsan merkeissä! Tapahtuma on maksuton.

Events organised by AYY

AYY organises a variety of annual events.

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Aalto Party_Aleksi Lehtinen
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