Sustainability May

In May, AYY and TF will highlight measures for sustainable development in their operations and communication. Everyone can participate in the Sustainability Month by joining the Sustainability Challenge.

In May, AYY and TF will highlight measures for sustainable development in their operations and communication. Everyone can participate in the Sustainability Month by joining the Sustainability Challenge in the Telegram Group. Anyone who completes at least five challenges receives a sustainability-related prize. Some of the challenges are events that can be attended either as an audience or in a more active role. Challenges can be easily completed in your daily life.

Week 1

Kylän talkoot 7.5 - collaboration with AYY and project zero

Showdown morrow 7-8.5 

Eat Täffä vegan lunch 4 times during May

The Technical Association's Sustainability Seminar on circular economy 11.5 (in Swedish) 

Week 2

Post a picture of a happy memory with a friend on Instagram and tag AYY (ayy_fi) and the sustainability committee @hallbarhetskommitten

Sustainability science days 18–19.5 

Start sorting plastic

Make a budget and think about how you can improve your buying habits

Week 3

Charity race 19.5.

Make a recipe from the new sustainability guide (Link to be updated!)

Reuse something in a creative way and take a picture

Week 4

Remember your friends: give a hug to a friend, call, go for a walk or coffee

Find three ecofriendly products that are cheaper than their "regular" counterparts, tell others in the chat!

Have a thermos for take away coffee, instead of paper mugs

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