AYY’s strategy – actions for the best student life in the world

It is challenging to understand the connection between actions and strategy if you are not already familiar with AYY’s strategy. To make the strategy as approachable, inspiring, insightful and memorable as possible, the visual identity will help to structure it. The visual identity of the strategy is a combination of moving images, text, illustrations and symbolism.

This spring, AYY introduced a new strategy, which for the first time in the history of the student union is available in one virtual location. The purpose of the strategy is to describe what kind of future AYY as an organisation aims for and how future challenges will be met. Above all, the strategy aims to be a part of daily life through actions: as ways to hear and involve the Aalto community, as sustainable construction of student housing or as flexible opportunities to pick up AYY’s sash for the annual ball from the services office. The greatness of the strategy lies in its usability and in the fact that its message speaks to the Aalto community - an unrealistic and remote strategy does not serve anyone. 

In addition, the strategy encourages us to new ways of thinking and acting, to change. The change. That is a word that evokes many emotions in us. At times, it feels like changing things in the student community takes a painfully long time. On the other hand, we may think that some things should never change. Often change means balance, reconciling the new and the traditional. This is reflected in AYY’s strategy by valuing the diversity of different student cultures and adding new carbon-neutrality entries or well-being to our values. Perhaps the journey towards the best student life in the world can be a win-win situation at best, where traditions can flourish alongside new creations.

A huge student character changing one’s appearance. Around the character and in one’s arms other students are bathing in the sauna, riding alpacas and putting out the burning shoe of the big student. The student is walking along the path led by AYY’s strategy.
Visualisation of AYY's strategy.

Making strategy familiar through visual identity

However, despite the previous description, it is challenging to understand the connection between actions and strategy if you are not already familiar with AYY’s strategy. To make the strategy as approachable, inspiring, insightful and memorable as possible, the visual identity above will help to structure it. The visual identity of the strategy is a combination of moving images, text, illustrations and symbolism.

With the help of the visual identity, you can learn at least the following things from AYY’s strategy:

  • AYY is a member-oriented service organisation and therefore the student community and its needs are in the core of the strategy
  • Similar to the large student character, AYY is constantly heading towards the vision of the best student life in the world
  • The purpose of AYY’s existence in the lower part of the illustration creates the basis for all student union activities
  • AYY creates something new and fosters traditions, which is reflected in the traditional Amphi in the background (on the right) and the new Student Centre under construction (on the left)
  • AYY has several strategic goals, such as carbon-neutrality, which are summarised into keywords on arrow signs
  • AYY has four values that are equally valuable in all activities:
Suuren opiskelijan pää, kaukoputkella tiiraileva opiskelija, kolme opiskelijaa kirjojen ja megafonin kanssa ja opiskelijahologrammi

Student-centred approach 

Members feel that they belong to the Aalto community and can influence AYY’s operations. The large student character therefore listens carefully to what the members of the community have to say and is constantly looking to the future. The hologram student on the left describes the possibility of remote participation and thus also the accessibility of activities in our community.

Opiskelijoita suuren opiskelijahahmon sylissä. Yksi soittaa torvea, yksi on DJ ja yksi on toisen reppuselässä.

Diverse and equal community 

In the Aalto community, everyone is treated equally. The appreciation of diversity, equality and internationality is close to AYY’s heart and is reflected in the heart of the giant student, where everyone has room for self-realisation. 

Yksi opiskelija sammuttaa suuren opiskelijahahmon palavaa kenkää, yksi ratsastaa alpakalla, kaksi opiskelijaa saunoo.


The well-being of the Aalto community members is of primary importance to AYY. Well-being is strongly linked to social sustainability and describes an individual’s physical, mental and social well-being. This is also related to cooperation preventing burnout as depicted in the illustration.

Suuren opiskelijan sukan varresta pilkottaa seteleitä. Kaksi opiskelijaa kävelee kantaen kastelukannua ja taulua, jossa on kuvaaja. Taustalla on lampi.


There must be sufficient resources for future operators. This means ecological, economic and social sustainability. AYY should also have some money left over and actively reduce the carbon footprint.

It is good to note that there are as many ways to interpret the strategy through the visual identity as there are viewers. The richness of the illustrated strategy lies in the fact that it sums up the essential aspects but also leaves room for discussion, opinions and different interpretations of how to head towards the best student life in the world in our community.

Laura Nikola

Member of the board,  corporate relations, alumni, strategy

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