AYY nominates Antti Pentikäinen for President of the Finnish Student Sports Federation OLL

AYY nominates Antti Pentikäinen for President of the Finnish Student Sports Federation OLL for the year of 2020.
Antti Pentikäinen
Antti Pentikäinen

Aalto University Student Union
29 Oct 2019
For immediate release

Pentikäinen is from Tampere and now studies at Aalto University School of Business. This year, he has been responsible for social policy, municipal advocacy and sports in the Student Union Board.

”I want to lead a courageous, professional and equal federation of all higher education students. Next year, the federation’s strategy will be updated, the Finnish Students on the Move action programme will be extended to higher education institutions and groundwork for municipal elections will be done. These are great opportunities to improve students’ well-being,” Pentikäinen comments enthusiastically.

“Antti is AYY’s first candidate to run for the President of the Finnish Student Sports Federation. The best thing about him is his enthusiasm to learn new things and his desire to help others. I am sure that cooperation skills and analytical thinking are needed at Lapinrinne,” says AYY’s Executive Director Elina Nieminen.

OLL will elect its President for the year of 2020 at its general assembly in Jyväskylä on 20-21 Nov 2019. OLL is an advocacy and service organisation that represents all Finnish higher education students in both national and international fields. The primary goal of OLL is to ensure that students engage in sufficient physical exercise in order to secure a healthy lifestyle and see to it that students are offered an adequate level of high-quality sports services.

Further information:
Antti Pentikäinen, [email protected] tai +358 50 573 2405
Elina Nieminen, [email protected] tai +358 50 520 9415

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