Applications for the renovated Jämeräntaival 3 B apartments are open from the 11th of March to the 24th of March!

In May 2019 the renovation of Jämeräntaival 3 B will be completed and most of the apartments in the building are shared studios. Residents can move in to the apartments starting from the 2nd of May 2019.

The AYY Board has decided that all AYY’s members with valid right of residence are given equal opportunity to apply for the Jämeräntaival 3 B apartments. Lots will be drawn to determine who gets an apartment. 

The application process for the apartments differs somewhat from the usual: 

  • You can apply for the apartments between the 11th of March and 24th of March 2019. 
  • The place in the queue for all applications submitted within the deadline will be drawn by lot. 
  • The lots will be drawn within different score groups. 
  • After the 24th of March 2019, the applications will continue according to the normal queuing process. 

A shared studio apartment is a cross between a shared apartment and a studio. Each tenant has a personal room with their own toilet/bathroom and a kitchenette, equipped with a fridge, freezer, oven and stove. Keeping the communal spaces clean and tidy is the responsibility of the tenants. 

Read the application instructions here

Find out more about the apartments and send your application to us via Domo starting Monday 11th March.

Jämeräntaival 3 – location on a map

Jämeräntaival 3
Photo: Jämeräntaival 3 before the renovation
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