The scholarships of autumn 2018 have been decided

In its meeting on December the 14th, 2018, the board of AYY has accepted the proposal of the exchange scholarship committee for the distribution of the autumn 2018 scholarships, and dealt out scholarships and grants based on them.

There were 120 applications in total.


Arponen Jenna 375,00 €
Björklund Oscar 400,00 €
Forsberg Jukka-Pekka 600,00 €
Ganszauge Lauri 500,00 €
Haukkovaara Rosa 375,00 €
Heikkilä Paulus 400,00 €
Holopainen Patrik 400,00 €
Hurskainen Riku 600,00 €
Hyppönen Jaakko 550,00 €
Höglund Simo 500,00 €
Itälinna Veera 500,00 €
Kankare Anni 500,00 €
Koskinen Tomi 350,00 €
Kärkkäinen Emma 500,00 €
Lencioni Henri 500,00 €
Nieminen Antti-Juho 500,00 €
Niiranen Janina 350,00 €
Saksi Henri 500,00 €
Schulman Anna 600,00 €
Sippola Mikko 625,00 €
Tasa Ida 375,00 €


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