The Guild of the Cross: boardgame evening

Are you looking for relief in the midst of the exam week? Or is your mind otherwise yearning for the playing of board games and the hanging out in good company? You are very welcome to join a boardgame evening organised by the Guild of the Cross on the 19th of October. Bring yourself, your friends, and the best of your game collection!
The evening will be organised in Otaranta Clubroom. The actual event starts at 19:00, but you may arrive starting at 18:30. During the exam week the evening snack will be served as a potluck, so bring something to share with others. The evening will end with a devotional.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the programme managers Rebekka and Riku (@re6ekka; @rikuhorrko).
Peli-illassa pelataan mm. lautapelejä
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