AYY has selected the Student Representatives in Administration for 2019

The Board of Aalto University Student Union has selected the Student Representatives in Administration for 2019 in its meeting on 18 Dec.

Student Representatives in Administration are ordinary students who operate in the University’s administrative bodies in accordance with the Universities Act. Aalto University has Student Representatives on University level, on School levels and on Department level as well as in smaller working groups. The term of office of Student Representatives in Administration, i.e. Hallopeds, is one calendar year.

The selection of Student Representatives in Administration is a statutory task of Aalto University Student Union. The application period was 31 Oct–3 Dec, during which most of the open positions were filled. For a few positions, the call for applications was continued until 11 Dec. A total of 216 applications was received. The largest number of applications in relation to open positions came in for the Equality Committee of Aalto University, for which one ordinary and one deputy member were sought and 10 applications received.

In early 2019, a call for applications will be announced for a few positions. Otherwise, the positions will be filled throughout the year as required.

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