Call for applications: Model for AYY’s image bank photoshoot

Aalto University Student Union is updating its image bank and looking for enthusiastic students to model for the project. We will arrange three photoshoots during 2024, and we aim to have a diverse representation of students from different fields. We are looking for a total of 15 students.
a girl waving hand

We are looking for a diverse representation of students from various fields to participate in creating a new image bank for Aalto University Student Union. The image bank will be used diversely for marketing and communication purposes within AYY.

The image bank will serve various communication needs, which is why we need students and people from different backgrounds and fields to represent our academic community. 

We will be taking pictures in various situations on the Otaniemi campus. No previous modelling experience is required – just enthusiasm to participate!

The first photoshoot will take place in week 23. A more specific date will be agreed upon later. The other two photoshoots will take place in August and October. Each photoshoot will use different models.

If you are interested in participating in the image bank photoshoot, please fill in this form by 12th of June.

The choices are made to have a diverse group of people that reflects the entire Aalto community. The models will receive a Wolt gift card as a reward for participating in the photoshoot. 

Further information:
Maria Tuunanen

Visual Communications Specialist 


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